About Us
The Blogswiki platform aggregates professional communities that tackle topics of interest like tech, business, health, lifestyle, fashion, finance, news, politics, food, travel, and much more taking advantage of this new type of content.
We built Blogswiki in order to make it easy for readers of a community to discover, follow and comment on content. Our goal is to increase engagement, generate brand navigation and foster community within content-driven communities.
By creating a platform that enables readers to participate, we hope to foster an environment where everyone is more engaged, leading to better content and more social interactions.
About Blogswiki
Blogswiki is the new way to discover, follow & comment on content. It takes into consideration the voice and interests of each individual reader and allows them the freedom to engage within their favorite communities. Content creators can now directly explore the interests of their audience through our social discovery engine, giving them greater insight on what topics are most relevant for each user.
Blogswiki is an award-winning platform based on WordPress, that offers a broad library of over 300+ creation tools allowing users to create and publish in only minutes, and track visitor stats directly on them.
We believe that technology should help us find answers to our questions. The Blogswiki platform provides users the opportunity to discover content that has been created by people close to them, and helps improve their lives through content created from their point of view. Our goal is to increase engagement, generate brand navigation and foster community within content-driven communities.
A new version of the blog was launched on October 22, 2014 featuring a few changes in its look and features. This version has been used since that date while the previous version has been phased out and no longer exists on this platform.
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